
Full Logistic Service

Home or Work

Delivery Available

When package is ready, make arrangements.

Our Services

Air Freight

We provide customers with cost-effective, fast, and reliable flights to meet your demands. Contact us to get our current flight schedule.

Sea Freight

Do you want to ship those bulky items? Not a problem. Contact us to get our current sailing schedule.

Shopping For You

Don’t have a credit card? No Problem. Use our credit card to make any online purchases you need.

How it works

  • Send us the link for the item/items you wish to order.
  • Payment for the item should be made in full. (once done)
  • The order will be made.
  • You will be provided with the expected date the item will get to Jamaica. Once it gets to Jamaica, the customer will be charged for the freight and for any other duties that are attached to the package.

Connect With Us

Contact Us



Store Hours

Monday–Thursday: 9am - 5pm

Friday: 9am - 4pm

Saturday: 10am - 2pm

Sunday: Closed